Dream of the Month

How Do You Sleep At Night?

We here at the Real Astrology Sleep Center for the Mentally Arranged have a few questions: What happens to you when you innocently lie down for a little shut-eye? You may certainly believe that little more occurs than a bit of unsightly drooling to mar or enhance your unconscious experience. Ah, but the mind, she is always working, drawing out the spools of thought that have wound themselves up during the day, pulling the taffy of your mind out ferociously, and mixing metaphors where and how she pleases. Since Rob approaches the seriousness of sleep with the same passion he brings to any art, it is only natural for him to offer to you at least one dream a month. Pass out and pass along one of your own.

I was at a party, and a good friend of mine was whining because he'd turned into a skeleton made of ice, and it was very inconvenient. He was transparent and freezing cold to the touch, but he didn't melt. He was wearing his normal clothes, and smoking his normal cigarette, and the smoke was swirling around in his empty skull and drifting out his eye and nose and ear holes. People at the party were making fun of him, using stupid puns about being "cold-hearted" or about how he was just trying to be "cool."

--Rina LaStella

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