
Doc Record is the proud parent of three. His son, Christopher Robinson Record, is currently ... uh, it's kinda hard to keep up with Chris. He's just gone off to lead a seminar on E-Commerce and he does custom web design and consulting. This paragraph used to show his exhibit of spray paint art on the controversial Art Wall in Santa Cruz at the corner of California and Bay. Here he is with Willow.

Eldest daughter, Aloha Luna Christina Record, served as President of her Freshmen and Sophomore classes at Harbor High School, has maintained a 4.0 GPA for several years, was elected to serve as the Harbor High ASB Vice-President, and graduated with honors in two fields (Politics and History) from the University of California at San Diego (more straight A's). Both Chris and Aloha are excellent athletes.

Willow Irene Record was born at home on February 6th of 1994 (The 99th anniversary of Babe Ruth's and 49th anniversary of Bob Marley's birthdays). Here she is as a cute little baby and here she is marching in the Fourth of July "World's Smallest Parade" in Aptos, California in 1999. And again. I like this parade. The Zero Population Growth people were costumed as cars looking for parking spaces. The cars had bumper stickers that said "Make Love Not More".

At the time of this writing, Willow has just started 6th grade at Gateway School in Santa Cruz. This is a picture of her on her first day of first grade. She loves dressing up and has a wonderful sense of style. Willow likes to hang out with our neighbors who are mostly college students at UCSC. Here she is with her best friend and spiritual sister, Rachel (full uncropped image). Here she is with Chris, Aloha and her other best friend, Baylee Bordwell.

A descendant of Arkansas hill folk, Ronnie's father, Joe, likes to hunt and raise English Setters (the "Record Setters" is his line). Ronnie's mother, Lois Elaine (Campbell) is of Scottish descent. Her great grandfather, Thomas Lopton Campbell, Jr. was an American pioneer in 7 states, served as a Texas Ranger, and staked a homestead in the Oklahoma Land Run when he was 79!

Ronnie is an eldest child with one brother, Donnie, and two sisters, Linda and Kathy.

It is possible that the Record family can count Robert Recorde, a 16th century Welsh mathematician/physician/teacher, as an ancestor. Recorde introduced the equals sign (=), was the first mathematician to publish in English rather than Latin or Greek (sort of the Martin Luther of Math), was physician to King Edward VI and Queen Mary, and died in debtor's prison due to political retribution from his powerful enemy the Earl of Pembroke. He also wrote "The Urinal of Physick". Here are some quotes attributed to Robert Recorde:

Exercise is the beste instrument in learnyng.
The Whetstone of Witte

To avoide the tediouse repetition of these woordes: is equalle to: I will settle as I doe often in woorke use, a paire of paralleles, or gemowe [twin] lines of one lengthe: =, bicause noe .2. thynges, can be moare equalle.
Quoted in G Simmons Calculus Gems (New York 1992).

Besides the mathematical arts there is no infallible knowledge, except that it be borrowed from them.
Quoted in D MacHale, Comic Sections (Dublin 1993)

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