May 31 - June 1, 1996

Well, when i left work last night, on my screen was Netscape Navigator displaying Timothy Leary's Home Page with a Health Update. That evening at the Red Room, i happened to mention to Steve that Ireland spelled backwards is DNA Leri and that Leary had written a book called "The Intelligence Agents" in which he portrayed himself as Agent Leri of DNA.

Last night while drifting off to sleep in my usual Thursday night Drunken Psionic Trance, i tried to recall just exactly when it was that Dr. Leary had come to my home in Family Student Housing at UCSC. It was his 63rd birthday and a student group i had formed (S^3 - The Student S.M.I.L.E. Society) had sponsored a talk by Leary that night in the dining hall at College 5.

Anyway, i'm laying there trying to figure out how old Leary is and i start imagining i am talking to him and i'm telling him how i think it's ok to donate his brain to cryogenic research but that it was just a research project and if he was interested in living forever he should look no further than his remarkable books. That he had, in fact, transmitted his DNA intelligence and wisdom in an excellently coded linguistic art form. That he was basically already immortal and he needn't worry about his body or brain decomposing.

This morning i got a call from Jodi informing me that Timothy Leary's dead. No, no, no, no ... he's outside looking in.

    Name: Ronald Joe Record Affiliation: SCO / Visual Math Institute
    Email: WWW:
    Voice: (831) 427-7604 FAX: (831) 427-5417
    USPS: c/o SCO, 400 Encinal St, Santa Cruz, CA 95061

Update: I just discovered that the Oct 22, 1983 UCSC Leary talk that S^3 organized is available as a podcast in iTunes! If you go to the iTunes store and search for "322-Leary" it is the podcast of his talk titled "The Evolution of Intelligence".